The idea of my poster is that
anyone can be a troll. Anyone you closely trust can turn on you and cyberbully
you. Now, I’m not saying don’t trust anyone, just be careful. Choose your
online friends wisely and don’t give away your passwords. Trolls try to be
anonymous, and you will feel defenseless. If you change your screen name
constantly, cyberbullying shouldn’t be a problem.
Cyber bullying isn’t just on the computer using different apps. It can be any device that you can’t see the other person. A cell phone is one of them. With texting it allows people to cyber bully mobile. People can text other people with out people saying it to them and they can text other people anonymously. So what I am trying to say cyber bullying is on your mobile devices.
The aspect of cyber bullying I used were the affects on the
victims one affect is that the victim can get harassed mentally but it feels
physically, for instance if someone calls you ugly or stupid it feels like your
getting punched in the face. A cyber bully is hurting the victim that’s an
affect and that’s what the picture represents the bully hurting the victim
through the computer.
My poster is about the affects of cyber bullying and how it
affects the victim. The boxing glove represents that when you send a mean
message it hurts the person. The 3 monsters represent the cyberbullies out
there and how they are no better than those monsters. And the hooded teenager
represents that anybody with a computer, cellphone or something similar can
cyberbully. And that, is my, cyberbully poster. Thiago
Bulldoze Bullying
In my poster, the images show how a person can feel after being
Cyber Bullied and also how to prevent it from happening again. In my first photo, which is titled, While Being Bullied, the
man sitting on the couch is crying because he received a nasty IM message from
a cyber bully. In the second photo,
titled, How to Prevent it From Happening Again, the man has received
another nasty message but this time decides to decline the message and move
on. Now he feels better and knows what
to do if something like this happens again.
By Ari
Cyberbully Project
The focus of my Cyberbully project is to
show people that people can hurt your feelings even when it’s online. Some
people who know you may tell you something mean and they may be your best-friend. It means that they
don’t have the gut to tell you that.
The thing they tell you may hurt your
feelings and my poster demonstrates that even your best-friend can Cyberbully
you and you won’t even expect it.
On my poster it is about a man on his computer in his room
and he is being cyber bullied. What is happening is since he is being cyber
bullied the computer has a hand coming out of the screen like it is going to
suck him in. I made the man have his mouth open because he is screaming about
how the hand is coming out at him. I chose the title of my poster to be ‘’
Online Message’s Can Hurt Others’’ because the man Is being cyber bullied and
it is hurting his feelings. That is what is on my poster for cyber bullying.
By Peter
I chose to focus on how to avoid
being cyber bullied. The message I am trying to communicate is that You Can Prevent It! Preventing being
cyber bullied is actually easier than you think. To prevent it you can, think
twice before you post something. Don’t give out personal information like phone
number, address etc.
those are some ways you can prevent being cyber bullied.
My poster shows that cyber bullying is not any
different than normal bullying.
It shows that normal bullying
can hurt you just as bad as regular bullying.
My poster shows that cyber
bullying is just like getting hit by a bully.
In my poster you can see that
the person on the right just got hit by the bully on the other computer.
Cyber-Bully Project
My poster represents the chain reaction/spread of gossip
through technology. The falling dominos show a chain reaction, if you push one
over, they’ll all fall down and there is no way to stop them. The fire on the
dominos shows how fast and easy things can spread through technology, like a
wild fire. Together, along with the headline, ”One Click Can Change Everything”
creates the idea that you need to think before you do things involving
technology. Once you put something on the Internet, or send a text or email, it
can never be fully erased and it will keep on spreading.
By Sarah
By Sarah
Cyberbullying project
The aspect of cyberbullying I focused on in my poster is how
bullying occurs. Cyberbullying can
happen through any electronic. It can
happen through phones, AIM, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and many more. In my poster three other girls on a social
networking site are bullying another girl.
I showed this to prove that cyberbullying can happen anyplace at
By Sinead
by Johnny F.
In my poster I
focused on how people feel when the get Cyber Bullied. I put a picture of a
crying girl because the kids that get bullied feel horrible, depressed, upset
and don’t really want to talk about it. They don’t want to go to school anymore
and don’t want to see any of their friends. To show that the bullying can
happen any time on phones or computers I added pictures of them. That’s what
makes it worse because you don’t know who the bully is and everyone can see the
comments they wrote. The meaner the messages the more that person is hurt and
moody. If you are a bully imagine how you would deal, with how you feel. When
people are mean to you behind computer screens!
By Maddie
Those are really cool. I like them a lot!